Large Group Vision coverage
Better eye health can improve productivity and Blue Shield offers the access, benefits, and plan choices your employees are looking for in vision care – and employers gain a consolidated healthcare experience and the competitive edge of offering whole health coverage.
Embrace choice, convenience, and bundled savings
With Blue Shield’s expansive vision network across California, your employees enjoy access to a wide array of vision professionals. Our flexible plan options offer a range of portfolio plans to customize solutions based on your specific needs.
Groups with 101+ employees can receive a 2% bunding discount on medical rates by combining a vision with a medical plan – and a 3% savings when adding dental, vision, and life coverage to a medical plan.
Why choose vision coverage?
Blue Shield vision plans come with rate guarantees for predictability and peace of mind. Groups can opt for vision coverage alone or pair it seamlessly with our medical plans.
One integrated experience

One bill
Integrating medical with vision coverage not only saves on costs, but it’s also easier on business administration.

One app
Your employees can easily manage their medical and vision benefits on the Blue Shield app.

One call
Members get their medical and vision questions answered by our knowledgeable and helpful member service representatives.